Eat-in or takeaway!??

Created by Gareth 2 years ago

That time Vernon Lewis told us about his ordeal, in and put of hospital, with his leg, after his diabetes had stopped his nerves from recognising that his flesh was being cooked by the exhaust pipe of the taxi, that he was stood next to, chatting, for about 10 minutes. 
He went on to het infection after infection, at one point, thinking he was going to have his leg amputated. A gruesome story. He then pulled his trousers up to show is hos horrific exhaust pipe shaped scar, which still looked like a fresh open wound. I was speechless. You weren’t! “Mate, it looks like a f*****g pizza!!!”

We all fell about laughing! Only you, mate!🤣

I will miss your ‘say it like it is’ spontaneity, and the warm, caring, funny friend that i always looked forward to seeing, but i will remain forever grateful for the memories!❤️💔
